No war in Ukraine

Frost Bitten 9-12

4 Responses

  1. You might want to check these Finister Foul uploads… Most of the older ones will only open by right click and choosing the “copy link address” option and then posting to a blank page to download.

    Almost all FinisterFoul needs Metrobay tags added. Titles include:

    Frost Bitten
    Caught in the Headlights
    Myrrh of the Mynx
    The Chrome Virus

    Thanks as always! U guyz r da bestest!

  2. Metrobay tag added.
    As for the problem with the links, dunno what you mean, links are working fine from our end…

    1. Usually I can click on the download button or the picture and it will give me the download option for the file… But most of these didn’t work that way for me. I had to right click on the dl button or the picture and then choose the “copy link address” from the right-click menu.

      It’s only a minor annoyance for me. I may have to switch to firefox browser. Either way, I don’t mind going the extra step. I just thought that I would bring it to your attention.

      Thanks for the tags! They really do help!

  3. Hey Zach, we’ve added the download links to the posts when they were missing.
    It should now be solved.
    Please keep us posted.

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